What is a thread count and does it make a difference?
The thread count is one of the factors that go into choosing sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers, but what does it indicate and why does it make a difference? The thread count is the number of vertical and horizontal threads that have been woven together in a square inch of linen.
Sheets with a higher thread count are said to be stronger and less prone to shrinkage. In order to use more threads in the making of the linen, the threads need to be thinner and the more threads that are used should mean that the linen is softer, smoother and denser, as well as more durable as it is made with finer material. Many will say that the higher the thread count, the better the quality of the sheet, but that is not necessarily true. If the quality of the actual thread that’s used is not good quality, and if the manufacture and weave is poor, the linen that’s the end result will not be good quality – it might be rough and wear down easily because of the poor quality material used.
In fact, absurdly high thread counts over 800 and even 1000 exist. Some linen manufacturers use tricks to inflate the thread count such as twisting multiple yarns together to create a multiple-ply yarn – this might lead to a rough texture that doesn’t have a soft, smooth finish.
While thread counts do play a part in a great piece of linen, they aren’t the be all and end all. The sweet spot for thread count is said to be between 300 and 500. The linen that fanute rents to both its residential and hospitality customers is high quality 300 thread count linen that’s 100% cotton. We use a high quality sheet not only because we want the best for our clients but because we care about sustainability. The higher the thread count, the less wear and tear which means longer lasting linen for us, and a great night’s sleep for you.